Imants Kalniņš: Complete Symphonies & Concertos | VSIA LIEPĀJAS SIMFONISKAIS ORĶESTRIS

Imants Kalniņš: Complete Symphonies & Concertos

Imants Kalniņš: Complete Symphonies & Concertos

5CD albums, ar visu komponista simfoniju un instrumentālo koncertu ierakstiem. 


Imants Kalniņš - "Santakrusa"
Imants Kalniņš - Fināls no mūzikas kinofilmai "Pūt, vējiņi"
Imants Kalniņš - Ceturtā simfonija
Imants Kalniņš - Piektā simfonija
Imants Kalniņš - Koncerts čellam ar orķestri
Imants Kalniņš - Koncerts obojai un orķestrim
Imants Kalniņš - Septītā simfonija
Imants Kalniņš - Koncerts orķestrim
Imants Kalniņš - Sestā simfonija
Imants Kalniņš - Trešā simfonija
Imants Kalniņš - Pirmā simfonija
Imants Kalniņš - Otrā simfonija


Liepājas Simfoniskais orķestris
Valsts Akadēmiskais koris "Latvija"
Atvars Lakstīgala - diriģents
Māris Sirmais - diriģents
Marta Sudraba - čells
Pēteris Endzelis - oboja



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"Imants Kalnins, born in 1941, is a Latvian composer of classical, Rock, Pop and film music. His 7 symphonies, his Concerto for Orchestra and the Cello and Oboe Concertos, some of which were already available on individual CDs, have now been released by Skani in a box set. The music is performed by the Liepaja Symphony Orchestra. In the compositions, which he writes for the classical field, Kalnins mixes classical elements with elements of pop music to create music that is dramatic and effective and easily accessible. His Fourth Symphony, for example, may rival Mosolov’s ‘Iron Foundry.’ It is a loud experience in any case! The Fifth, on the other hand, is as different as Prokofiev’s First is from the rest of the Russian’s symphonies. The conductor of these recordings, Atvars Lakstigala, succeeds in bringing a great deal of tension to the music, contrasting the agitated, nervous passages with the soothingly quiet moments."